Ever considered dehydrating watermelon? The result is crazy-sweet, with the consistency of taffy. It's important that you pick a good tasting melon - the taste is concentrated during dehydration, but will not improve. Also, pick a Watermelon that's ripe. Supermarket melons are often picked before they're ripe, but you can often find nice ripe melons at a farmer's market. Look for a bit of discoloration (yellow or lighter) on the underside and tap the melon to listen for a hollow sound.
Cut the watermelon in half, then cut in half again. Slice a quarter of the melon into 1/4 - 1/2 inch-strips. Then cut off the rind portion from those slices. Place slices onto dehydrating trays. Using a Screen will help with the removal of the watermelon chips. They are quite sticky! Dehydrator at 135° F (or below 120 F if you're on a raw food diet). Dry for 8 - 16 hours. Take a watermelon on your next backpacking trip!
dehydrating watermelon
Dehydrated watermelon
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